Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Kittens and Stones

The last couple of weeks have been more eventful than we would have liked. First we had an unexpected trip to the emergency room one evening when Jason was suddenly down on the floor screaming in pain. We raced to the ER and made quite the dramatic entrance. I had Jason on one hand who was bent over and walking like Lurch while he moaned and involuntarily screamed. I had a traumatized and crying Carter on the other hand. The three of us made quite the picture as we burst through the doors of the emergency room. Thankfully, the staff took one look at Jason and took him to triage immediately. A short while later he had the surprising diagnosis of kidney stones. Given that no one in his family has a history of kidney stones this was unexpected. We were sent home with various medications and a strainer for Jason to urinate in so he could catch the stones.

Jason proceeded to spend the next few days in anything from agony to discomfort. Thus, he wasn't thrilled when I called him one morning saying I needed help. He probably assumed it was a horse problem and I didn't say otherwise until he arrived on the scene. I then told him to stop moaning for a a minute and listen. And then he heard it as well, the scared meowing of a kitten. The kitten was trapped between the wood interior and metal exterior of one of the run-in sheds.

There was an opening where the kitten had clearly squeezed in, but I couldn't reach in far enough to grab it. I told Jason to make noise on the inside to flush the kitten out, while I waited on the outside to grab the kitten. Jason had no issues making noise with his involuntary screams of pain, and shortly the kitten came bursting out, undoubtedly terrified by the screaming man. Unfortunately I wasn't able to grab it as it came out too fast, and since it was terrified it of course started running.

I screamed at Jason to run, it was coming his way. Jason attempted to lurch along after it, and then I got around to the other side of the shed and started running. The kitten made it under the fence and decided to hide in the pile of feedbags I had dropped. I was able to quietly creep through the gate, reach down and grab the kitten. Success!!

Then we had the dilemma of what to do with the kitten? We are already supporting four rescue cats (Jingle, Joy, Igor, Oscar) and we were in agreement that we were not going to support another one. I sent a text to Kate informing her we had captured a kitten. Miraculously she produced a home for our scared, sad kitten in about 15 minutes. We were thrilled, grateful and amazed.

The kitten is a girl, and has been pronounced healthy by her new home's veterinarian. She is being doted on by a family. Like Igor, she will have her own barn complete with a heated and cooled office to call home. The hope is that one day she might catch a few mice. Igor has turned out to be quite effective in this department so maybe she will follow in his footsteps.

A few days later, Jason passed his kidney stones. We had successfully caught and re-homed a kitten, and Jason had rid himself of his kidney stones. We do love happy endings!

Jason holding our recently captured, very frightened, kitten

standing are Happy and Taco; the nappers are Paramount, Miel, B-Rad, Mick

Chance and Convey

Rip and Grand

Cisco and Homer

Elfin, Apollo and Hemi

Trigger, Levendi and Thomas

Hemi and Moe

Revy, King and Thomas


a cute line-up of horses; Art,  Hesse, Cino, Duesy, Fabrizzio

Johnny found a puddle to splash in

Squirrel and Gus also found a puddle for splashing . . . 

. . . Squirrel decided he wanted to do more than splash . . . 

. . . he wallowed in the puddle but Gus decided to stick with splashing . . . 

. . . I don't see the appeal . . . 

. . . Squirrel ended with the big shake, and Gus decided to shake with him


Lori Skoog said...

I've been there and done that with a kidney stone! Jason has my deepest sympathies. Mine had to be blasted via surgery and it was such a relief. Hope everything has settled down for all of you. It looks so much warmer down there. We have had over 20 hours of high winds, blue skies and snow flurries.

20thCenturyFriend said...

Kidney stones are no joke, tell Jason I'm sorry he had (and you!) had to deal with that. I'd much rather give birth, thank you very much.
But then, IME, I saw them knock my father to his knees and he had a very high pain threshold) and a kidney stone removal operation is what eventually killed my grandfather in the 70s when was his 70s. (I saw it - the thing was the size of a golf ball.)
That's one lucky kitten! <3

20thCenturyFriend said...

Kidney stones are no joke, tell Jason I'm sorry he had (and you!) had to deal with that. I'd much rather give birth, thank you very much.
But then, IME, I saw them knock my father to his knees and he had a very high pain threshold) and a kidney stone removal operation is what eventually killed my grandfather in the 70s when was his 70s. (I saw it - the thing was the size of a golf ball.)
That's one lucky kitten! <3

Nancy J said...

One very lucky kitten, and Jason, kidney stones are reputed to have the highest level of pain a person can have. Hugh had one, many years ago, at home for 4 days, an IVP X-Ray with dye, into hospital the next day , lots of pain relief, lots of water to try and flush it out, more X-Rays, finally witb a lot of blood and froth, it passed. I would not wish this on anyone .

Vivian S. Vetere said...

I have lived through Pete's kidney stones (luckily they were not mine) three times over the last 25 years. A shot of morphine in the back always helps. I am glad that Jason passed his (I am familiar with the strainer...) and hope you won't get a repeat. I hear horseback riding helps to pass them, according to one of my horse friends who has suffered with them. Glad you found a home for the kitty.

Calm, Forward, Straight said...

Hoping Jason is on the upswing now!