Just like people, some horses enjoy being leaders and others simply want to be part of the pack. Of course we have a wide variety of personalities on the farm, but one retiree in particular stood out as determined to be in charge. The fact that he is a stallion no doubt had much to do with his strong personality. He was named Mister and I thought it was perfect as you could just hear him saying "that's Mister to you."

Almost immediately upon arrival Mister became very obsessed with Ogie. I have mentioned Ogie before in this post. Ogie is one of those horses that is always liked by other horses. He is a very gentle, reassuring presence and does not have a demanding personality. I think Ogie could be turned out with any horse, be it a mare, stallion, or gelding, and they would think Ogie was great. Ogie is a retired eventer in his late 20's who had fallen on some hard times. Thankfully a wonderful woman stepped in to care for him. She does a lot of wonderful rescue work and founded the The Bucket Foundation which is involved in both small and large animal rescue. If you are looking for a good rescue to support, I can personally attest to the wonderful work done by The Bucket Foundation.
Mister quickly decided that he was in charge of Ogie and took control of his life immediately. Ogie could not go anywhere or do anything without Mister's approval. One time I saw Ogie make the mistake of trying to hang out with a couple of horses that were not in Mister's crowd. Mister marched over to Ogie, who had his head down sniffing noses, reared up, grabbed Ogie's lip, and lead him back over to a place in the pasture he approved of! If only I'd had my camera with me at the time!

Just too cute! I have one of those pairs where my younger gelding (18) bosses my older gelding (22) ALL the time and can't even go out of sight of him without having a metldown. If I want to ride them separately I have to trailer one of them off the property! Oh, and loading one at a time is really fun. The only way it can be accomplished is to distract the younger one with food, which he loves a little bit more than he loves the elder.
Hahaha, adorable!
I was wondering how Mister was doing, and then was thrilled to see all these great pictures. But, as I started to read through, you kept saying "was" and using the past-tense ...and I got really teary and upset!!! Imagine how happy I was to see at the last that he has not passed away (as I'd feared), but has just moved home with his owner! That's wonderful, and he sure is such a cutie. I know you miss him, but all those great pictures and knowing how happy and healthy he is must give you reason to smile every day. You should write a book about him and Ogie!!!
I miss him alot! He was a little guy, but had such a HUGE personality! My Mini Cooper is the same way! He has such a Napoleon Complex!
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